Since 2020, the Dane County Youth Environmental Committee has been empowering, educating, and connecting high schoolers from every part of our county. With accomplishments across municipalities, school districts, and individual households, we mitigate climate impacts and work to secure a cleaner future.

What we do

DCYEC’s main focus is to supply support to youth leaders in the fight against climate change, pollution, and other environmental concerns. We have created an extensive network of influential youth and adults to achieve real solutions.

DCYEC members sit on municipal and educational boards, lobby public officials, lead green teams, and voice opinions on government spending to advocate for intergenerational equity.

See our specific initiatives and partners below.

Initiatives & Partners

  • DCYEC has members on committees and local boards across the county and regularly works with local leaders. Within these bodies, DCYEC has a youth voice at the table and helps make science-based decisions to better our environment with real votes.

  • Each year, DCYEC plans and hosts the Wisconsin Youth Climate Conference. At this event, students from across Wisconsin are invited to learn more about how to take real action in their communities. The 2023 conference welcomed over 100 students and more than 30 environmentally focused businesses and organizations.

  • DCYEC is a contributing member of the Wisconsin Climate Action Network which works to unite environmental groups, organizations and governments in the state, as well as allocate the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG).

    Members have worked extensively on the Line 5 issue in Northern Wisconsin, adding the youth perspective.

    Our partners include KEEP WI, Dane OECC, UNA Dane, Sierra Club John Muir Chapter, Wisconsin Energy Institute, 350 WI, Green & Healthy Schools, Sustain Dane and many more.

Leadership Team

Natalie Lesnjak


Madison West High School

Hadley Stang


Oregon High School

Selah Kim


Waunakee High School

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Any high schooler residing in Dane County, Wisconsin can join the Dane County Youth Environmental Committee. Our membership is a diverse group of youth from a multitude of interests and backgrounds with the shared goal of environmental change. There are no other restrictions or requirements.

  • DCYEC holds meetings the second Sunday of each month during the school year (Sep.-Jun.) at differing locations around the county. The membership is notified of meeting locations and carpools at least 2 weeks ahead of a meeting.

  • We are always looking for new representatives! Contact us through email at the bottom of this page, through our Contact Us form on this website or DM us on our linked Instagram page to join.

  • DCYEC is always looking for new partners to join us in our efforts or host a meeting. Please contact us through our email or contact form for more information.